Page name: Vangaards gardens [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-02-16 00:18:20
Last author: Darian Hawke
Owner: Darian Hawke
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The castle gardens:


The gardens of Vangaard are famous through out the five lands. In fact, the gardens of Vangaard include a part of each of the five lands. There are trees, flowers, fruits and vegetables from all over Amaroth and even small mounds of earth from each land.
  When you walk into the gardens you first pass two stone wells which provide the irrigation here and fresh water to the Castle.
  Walking along the long cobblestone center path, you see on either side, rows and rows of vegetables.
On the far right are a row of white beehives. The bees buzzing excitedly as they build honeycombs. The beekeepers wearing protective clothing as they go about gathering the golden sweets.
  Beyond the vegetables rows are the fruit trees. Apples, oranges, pears and others. A colorful and enticing sight.
Then come the flower gardens which are flawlessly maintained by the zealous chief gardener, Broham, The little old man somehow keeps the flowers structured and wild, elegant and free, all at once. The fragrances of the thousands of flowers appealing and not overwhelming.

Then come two identical fish ponds to either side of the path. This is one of the castle children’s favourite spots. They skip stones off the ponds, fish and sometimes even go swimming. Sometimes even the adults of the castle use these ponds (in the summer).

Last but not least comes the most hallowed of places in Vangaard;

The Glen of Heroes


Return to Vangaard Castle

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2007-02-04 [Lady of Lore]: The Lady Ellayne looks out over the gardens, the calm beauty setting her heart at ease. She smiled gently, greatful that Lady Sofia had left her for a short time. She seemed to be quite the lass an Ellayne was reminded of several of the battlemaids in training back in her homeland. All of whom would be grown and moved on with thier duties. She sat down in a quiet place in the garden. Thinking over many things before tugging out one of her notebooks to make a few notes to herself.

2007-02-07 [Darian Hawke]: *steps unto the cobblestone path and walks slowly forward, heading towards the Glen, hands clasped behind his back.*

2007-02-07 [Synsae]: Continues to follow Lord Darian as asked by him

2007-02-07 [Darian Hawke]: *looks at Kael with peircing brown eyes that seem to glow with an inner fire*
Tell me Kael, when you look around the gardens, what do you see? Think a moment before you answer.

2007-02-07 [Synsae]: Kael looked around the Garden viewing the flowers, the trees, the plants, and the pond in all their beauty. He then looked back at Lord Darian and answered, "I see flowers, trees, plants, and a pond... but more specificately I see the greatness of beauty which is good."

2007-02-07 [Darian Hawke]: *smiles a bit sadly*
Yes Kael there is great beauty here, but that is not what I meant. Do you know what I see when I look around here?
What lies at the roots of the trees? Within them?

2007-02-07 [Synsae]: Kael closed his eyes with the fact that he did not get the point at first, but he knew sooner or later, he would understand, "No, Lord Darian, I can not say I do know what you see, perhaps you would tell me?"

2007-02-07 [Darian Hawke]: *Breathes in deeply*
Amaroth Kael, I see Amaroth. These trees and flowers, the very earth itself here is from all over Amaroth.
That is not mearly to provide pleasent scenery and a variety of food. It is to remind us of who we are and what we are sworn to do. Behind these walls we dont close our eyes to what is beyond them. We forever remember. Somewhere there is injustice, somewhere evil rears its ugly head. Soon the drums of war shall beat, soon the drawbridge will descend and the thunder of hooves shall roll over it.
The knights of Vangaard will ride forth. Will you be among them?
*Once again the eyes seem to burn into Kaels very soul*

2007-02-07 [Synsae]: Kael looked into Lord Darian's eyes with confidence, "When I make a vow, I intend to keep it... Lord Darian, when the day comes for the Knights of Vangaard to ride forward... Ay... I will be among them"

2007-02-07 [Darian Hawke]: Good. That means that you intend to pass your training, though you do not yet know what it will be.
Keep in mind that you and I may not be so differant age wise. And also that you have seen combat before. But do not doubt for one minute that I have much to teach you and that you have much to learn. When you swore an oath you swore to keep your pride in check. Never forget that.

2007-02-07 [Synsae]: Kael nodded his head in understanding, "I will remember that and I will do my all to never forget that"

2007-02-07 [Darian Hawke]: This was one place but not what I truly wanted to show you.

*points forward to the dense thicket of trees. Where the two Hickory trees stand guard*
There is the The Glen of Heroes, the most hallowed of places in Vangaard. Follow me and I need not tell you to keep your voice low. The souls of heroes past will be watching you. No secrets can be kept from me. For there your soul lays open.
*walks forward and passed the Hickory's strong limbs*

2007-02-07 [Synsae]: Kael removed his sword and bows as it was a custom in Elian to leave tools of war out of sacred places, and where Kael was going, he felt was very sacred ground. Kael then stepped forward, following Lord Darian into the Glen.

2007-02-08 [Synsae]: Kael comes out of the Glen and picks up his swords and bow as he heads further to the Great Hall.

2007-02-08 [Darian Hawke]: *walks silently along side Kael. Leaving the gardens for Vangaard's Great Hall*

2007-02-09 [Lady of Lore]: The Lady Ellayne had listened to the two men's conversation from her place she had been in the garden. She'd come and gone from the main areas of the castle, said a few greetings to new comers; but something in the gardens felt more like home than anywhere inside. She was content there, for now and she liked to see the children come and go. She sat upon the ground, her sword beside her unbuckled but still in it's sheath.

2007-02-18 [Chrysilla]: Sofia enters the gardens and sits on a bench, under a tree in bloom. She closes her eyes and enjoys the sweet warmth and the delicate perfume that fills the air.

2007-02-18 [Synsae]: Kael walks into the Gardens behind Lady Sofia, he notices some fish up in the pond, so he takes out a loaf of bread that he had on him, and broke off 5 small peices to fling into the pond for the fish to eat. With each fling and each landing of crumbs on the water, the fish jumps to surface swallowing what they could. Kael just smiled and laughed at this sight.

2007-02-18 [Chrysilla]: At the noise of the fishes jumping off the water, Sofia opens her eyes. She comes towards Kael and sits down on the pond's border, playing with the fingers in the water. Probably thinking it was food, the fishes approache and swim in circles around her hand. She laughs and takes a little piece of bread from Kael and watches if the fishes would come and eat from her hand.

2007-02-18 [Synsae]: Kael smiled and kept flinging peices of bread into the water, one fish even did so much as leaped out of water to catch his bit of food which made Kael laugh at loud, "I will tell you, the fish in this pond are definately something else."

2007-02-18 [Chrysilla]: "Maybe they are the nayads' dogs", Sofia laughed, thinking of her own dog back in Askiliad, an enormous ball of fur, that, despite his bear appearance, used to jump around and run after sticks like a puppy.

2007-02-18 [Synsae]: Kael smiled, "Or perhaps they are monkeys that look like fish" Kael laughed a little because he knew that was not all that funny, but he did not have a good comment to use after Lady Sofia's last line.

2007-02-18 [Chrysilla]: Sofia laughed.
"I see, my dear Kael, that you men have a weird sense of humour sometimes."

2007-02-18 [Synsae]: Kael laughed, "Yeah, that we do, but better a weird sense of humor... than none at all, am I right?"

2007-02-18 [Chrysilla]: She laughed again.
"Yes that's right... sometimes."

2007-02-18 [Synsae]: Kael smiled some more and Vera flew off his shoulder and perched near Lady Sofia but not between Kael and her.

"I think she likes you" he said as Vera let off a loud but soft screach, "That or she thinks you have food" he laughed some more

2007-02-18 [Chrysilla]: She smiled and caressed the bird's feathers with the fingertips.
"What would she like to eat?"

2007-02-18 [Synsae]: Kael smiled, "She likes mice and other rodents that might come across her path."

2007-02-18 [Chrysilla]: "Well I don't have any rodents in my pockets, so would she like some cooked meat? If yes, you could join me to the great hall."

2007-02-18 [Synsae]: "The meat does not have to be cooked, she'll eat it" Kael continued to smile while he answered back

2007-02-19 [Lady of Lore]: Lady Ellayne smiled over at the two and got up and moved towards them. "Good day to you both. Do you mind if I sit beside the water with you?"

2007-02-19 [Darian Hawke]:
*Enters the gardens and sees the small group by the pond. A smile crosses his face and he walks towards them.*
Greetings my friends. Lady Ellayne you're looking most beautiful today. How are you?
I have ben so caught up in castle business that I do believe I've seen you in days.
*Bows lightly to the group of three*

2007-02-19 [Synsae]: Kael smiled, "Feel free to do so, it is ok with me if you do, and do not worry, if you are, Vera does not bite" Kael leaned over to pet Vera on the back of her head.

2007-02-19 [Lady of Lore]: Ellayne straightens up and smiles at Darian. "Well hello there my Lord Darian. I am well, the gradens have greatly rejuvinated my spirit. I see that things have been quite busy around here. The fame of Vangaard has spread through the realm quickly."

2007-02-19 [Darian Hawke]:
*Reaches into his pocket and throws to Vera a small peice of dried meat.*
I have not forgotten you Vera. Enjoy.
I dont have much time to spend here. I must ride to Arus and meet a boat coming in from Kayblin.
*Breathes in deeply the fresh air*

There is much work waiting for us. While you were all sleeping last night I rode out with fifty men-at-arms to track down a band of raiders from Askiliad who had attacked a small farm closer to the border.
You soon will be joining me on these excursions.

2007-02-19 [Lady of Lore]: Ellayne nods, "Always there is work to be done. If you ever require my skills I am at your service Lord."

2007-02-19 [Synsae]: Kael watches Vera launch off Lady Sofia and catches the meat in midair. "Lord Darian, I believe you just made Vera a very happy Falcon by doing that, she'll be best friends with you from now on" he said as Vera gulped down the meat and perched on Darian's shoulder

2007-02-19 [Darian Hawke]: *Pets Vera and ruffles her feathers*
Thank you Lady Ellayne. You soon shall join our ranks.
*Looks at Vera and laughs as she pecks him on his ear then flies back to Kael*

Yes looks like she likes me indeed. I must be going.
Good day to you all.
*Bows lightly and walks out of the gardens*

2007-02-19 [Lady of Lore]: Ellayne smiles and sits down beside the water.

2007-02-19 [Synsae]: Kael laughs and bows to Lord Darian, "Take care"

He pets Vera behind her head as she begins poking him the head with her beak

2007-02-19 [Chrysilla]: Sofia laughs seeing Vera poking Kael and she pets her.
"Well Kael, I had a good time with you. I am in the right mood to study some more magic now, so I'm going to in the commons now." She smiles to him and stands up, ready to leave.

2007-02-19 [Synsae]: Bows to Lady Sofia, "Ok, take care and study well" Kael hugs Lady Sofia goodbye before she leaves to the commons

2007-02-19 [Chrysilla]: She smiles, pets Vera again and leaves for the barracks commons.

2007-03-02 [Chrysilla]: Sofia enters the gardens and stops, inhaling the fresh, perfumed air, then she sits down on a bench. She takes a small, old looking book of her pocket and starts studying the levitation spells.

2007-03-02 [Lady of Lore]: Ellayne walks over, interested in what the people of other realms have by way of books. "Good day to you Sofia, what are you studying so avidly?" she said with a smile.

2007-03-02 [Chrysilla]: Sofia closes her book and puts it next to her.
"Good day to you too, Ellayne, haven't seen you around in a long time. I'm waiting for my powers to recover after the training and I use this time to study some new spells."

2007-03-04 [Lady of Lore]: "Oh well I hope I'm not interrupting. I've been wandering te grounds, familiarizing myself with civilization once again. It's good to be in decent places again." she said with a smila as she gestured with one hand to all of Vangaard.

2007-03-04 [Chrysilla]: "No, you don't interrupt, it's always a pleasure to talk to you. Tell me, if I'm not indiscrete, why do you suggest you have left the civilization for a while?"

2007-03-06 [Lady of Lore]: Ellayne sat beside Sofia. "I travelled through many lands taking records of my of the creatures. I'm a loremaster" she said with a smile "So in order to be sure I'm a good loremaster I had to go and verify legends and myths that my people had recorded. This took me into some deep dark regoins of the world."

2007-03-06 [Chrysilla]: "This sounds so interesting, I always liked to learn about new things. Would you like to tell me more about what you found?"

2007-03-06 [Lady of Lore]: Ellayne smiled, "Where to begin...many a dragon I came across, greebles, great warriors, evil warriors...many months did I spend travelling on my own through techerous territory"

2007-03-06 [Chrysilla]: Sofia was getting more and more curious about everything Ellayne had to say. She moved a little closer and made a gesture saying she was listening and that Lady Ellayne should continue.

2007-03-06 [Lady of Lore]: Ellayne smiled again, "Perhaps it is better I show you as well as tell you." She pulled a carefully wrapped book from her small bag and opened it. The book was old or looked that way, pages frayed at the edges, some even were burned. Others had the look as if they had been soaked at one point. Ellayne opened it to one specific page where there was a few sketches of an elegantly sleek dragon. "Here's one, a paritcularly difficult but worthwhile to track down. An Azure Dragon, quite a beautiful creature. She gave me quite a long chase but eventually she agreed to speak with me. I had studied legends on a great creature that dwelled in the land of Ekrone, more particularly in the waters that had great healing abilities and could summon great stroms if angered. I found her swimming with several schools of fish when she agreed to speak to me. She was very polite, though somewhat impatient and curious but she allowed me to make these sketches of her." 

2007-06-19 [Lady of Lore]: Ellayne pulled out a set of paints that she had made and set upon her small easel a canvas, she mixed the paints carefully and lovingly and began to paint...and as she did she hummed softly to herself.

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